General information
MAMADING is a virtual store, a Costa Rican company duly registered in the Registry of Legal Persons of the National Registry, with identification number 3-102-090836.
The MAMADING brand as well as its logo are duly registered with the Intellectual Property Registry of the National Registry of Costa Rica.
MAMADING offers the service to persons 18 years of age and older.
Anyone who does not accept these general terms and conditions, which are binding, must refrain from using the site and / or services.
Contract with MAMADING
Through this website, a commercial and electronic services contract may be formalized that aims to purchase and sell oriental products offered by MAMADING and demanded by the client, a contract that is subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this section and subject to applicable legal regulations.
Through the MAMADING website, customers will have access, among others, to the following services:
Consult the different products offered by MAMADING, as well as the price of each of them
Order online
Evacuate doubts through the tab "Frequently Asked Questions"
Contact MAMADING through the contact form
Service provision schedule
Orders through this page can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will be attended during the normal working hours of MAMADING staff.
Delivery areas
Before placing the order, the customer must verify that the delivery address is within an authorized area. If the delivery address is not within an authorized area, MAMADING may refuse the order and will return the payment received deducting the charges to which the transactions are subject, according to the policies of the intermediary financial institution.
The price that will be charged to the customer is the one that was displayed in the order. If the prices vary in relation to the day of delivery of the products, the customer will understand that the price applied on the day the order was executed and the charge was applied to his debit or credit card prevails. The term for reimbursement will be determined by the policies of the financial institution that acts as a payment gateway.
All orders must be paid in full prior to delivery, through the electronic payment platform available on the website. Payment through the website is only by Sinpe Móvil or bank transfer
About the appearance of the products displayed on the website
The images of the products shown on the MAMADING website are illustrative and the customer understands that when ordering or buying the products there is the possibility that the product, brand, flavor, weight or size of the item, in the case of imported products , the changes or images of the packaging are exclusively from the manufacturer and the images will not always be a faithful representation of the product you will receive.
Delivery term
Orders will be delivered within 2-3 days after confirmation of payment by the means chosen by the customer. The delivery time will have a range of plus / minus 8 hours, it being understood that the customer agrees to be available or to order another person who will be available to receive the product within that time. If delivery cannot be made because there is no person to receive it, MAMADING may make a surcharge for a second delivery attempt and in the case of perishable products, MAMADING does not guarantee that the quality of the product will not suffer deterioration over the course of the time and handling. If the product is lost because it was not possible to deliver it for reasons attributable to the customer, the price paid will not be refunded. If the client does not indicate a range of hours for delivery of the order, it will be understood that there will always be a person available to receive it during the delivery period indicated in this same section.
MAMADING strives to satisfy customer requirements. However, it reserves the right to reject an order when the product stock is not sufficient to supply the orders according to the order of precedence with which they are received.
Shipping costs will be in national currency (colones), additional to the price of the product and will be calculated according to the rate table (subject to change).
For orders outside the GAM, a means of shipping will be coordinated with the client. MAMADING is not responsible for delays or bad handling after delivery of the products to third parties and until the final destination.
Order review
The customer must review the product at the time of delivery, verifying that it is satisfied. If the customer is not at the place of delivery, it will be understood that the person who receives the order is authorized by the customer to receive and review the product. Any claim must be made at the time of delivery or at the latest within 1 day after delivery. For this, the client must follow the guidelines indicated in the return and exchange policy described below.
Cancellation, returns, exchanges and refunds policy
The customer may cancel an order within 3 hours after placing it. In such cases, MAMADING will refund the money and may deduct the charges related to the transactions applied by the entity that acts as a payment gateway. Alternatively, the customer may request a credit note applicable to a subsequent order.
MAMADING guarantees the quality of the products according to their nature, in case of perishable products it must be done at the time of receiving the order and, in exceptional cases, within a period of 1 day.
The return must be made indicating the reasons that justify it. If it is done at the time of delivery, the carrier will ask you to take photographic evidence, which highlights the proof of the reason for return. The carrier will notify the corresponding person of the return and MAMADING will contact the affected customer to solve the situation. If a return is notified after delivery, an email must be sent informing the reason for the return to the MAMADING contact email: customer
MAMADING will evaluate the claim and, in the event that the return is appropriate, will replace the product within the following 72 hours, or will refund the money to the customer by the same means that received the payment in case the product is out of stock.
Attention to incidents
The attention of incidents will be carried out by means of the telephone number +506 6056-6052 or by means of the electronic mail customer from 9am to 3pm
The response time will not exceed 2 days.
Personal data protection
MAMADING is a company committed to the protection and confidentiality of its clients' personal data, so we do not request, nor treat, nor share and / or store the client's bank data and therefore it is understood that neither will the data be transferred to a third.
To order online, it is essential that customers provide the personal data that is indicated as mandatory. It is the obligation of the clients to supply exact, real and updated data, otherwise, the contract cannot be formalized.
Personal data may be incorporated into databases owned by MAMADING in order to manage your orders and inform about products, services or updates to the platform to offer personalized treatment. By entering into this contract, clients issue their informed consent for the processing of their personal data.
In accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of the person against the Treatment of their Personal Data, Law No. 8968, clients can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data by communicating in writing to MAMADING by means of from email customer